LA-MRSA - a discussion on what it means for the pig industry

Key Information

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Course Information

About this course

**Please note that this webinar will be available to view from 15th October 2015 until 29th October**

Key Areas

Prof David Lloyd will give an overview of the current situation and will focus his teaching to answer the following questions

  •  What is the prevalence of LA- MRSA in UK compared with EU and is it changing? 
  •  With trade occurring between UK and LA-MRSA positive countries, what measures could be implemented to reduce the risk of importing LA MRSA?  
  •  What are the risks to the health of pigs with LA MRSA
  •  Are there any risks to pig workers,veterinarians or pork eaters?
  •  What advice would you give in the event of LA- MRSA being identified on a pig farm.
  •  How can pig producers and vets reduce the risk of LA-MRSA occurring on their units? 
  •  Are there any additional risks on multispecies farms?
  •  Why do some countries have a high prevalence of LA-MRSA and what can we learn from them from the measures they have taken to reduce prevalence?

About this course

You can study this webinar from the 15th October 2015 until 29th October in your own time and there will be 2 sessions of 45-60 mins.  At the end of the webinar, you will be encouraged to ask questions which will be collated and answered by Prof. Lloyd and circulated afterwards. 


David Lloyd  with support from Mandy Nevel and Steven van Winden

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