Key Information
CPD Hours: 2 hours
Course Length: Two hours
Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided
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Course Information
Patients with respiratory disease may present to the veterinary clinic with severe respiratory distress. These patients can be extremely fragile and difficult to manage. This topic covers a step by step approach to these patients. The topic covers various ways of providing supplemental oxygen as well as the best ways to assess patients in respiratory distress using physical examination parameters and bed-side diagnostic testing. Also covered is stabilisation techniques for common causes of respiratory distress.
This recorded webinar was originally part of a four week live Webinar Plus course: Fundamentals of emergency medicine part 1, which is now available as a recorded Webinar Plus course. As it was part of a live course, the content of the webinar may refer to work that needed to be undertaken during the live course, such as self-assessment tasks and discussion forums or other webinars. If you are interested in this subject you may want to consider registering on the recorded Webinar Plus version Recorded Webinar Plus: Fundamentals of emergency medicine part 1 and access the course content along with four webinars.
A convenient and flexible way to earn some CPD hours without leaving home is to select webinars to view from our extensive library of recorded webinars. Priced at £30 for a 2 hour webinar they are great value for busy practitioners seeking quality CPD at a time of their choice. Participants will receive a handout (slides and/or notes) to support their viewing session and a certificate for 2 CPD hours.
Participants gain access to the webinar for two weeks which allows them to view it at their leisure and convenience as well as review aspects as needed to enhance their learning.
Members of the BVA Young Vets Network receive a 50% discount on our recorded webinars (subject to availability – ten discounted places available per webinar per year).
Lindsay Kellett-Gregory, BSc BVetMed DipECVECC DipACVECC FHEA MRCVS
Specialist in Emergency Critical Care
Dick White Referrals
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