Optimising calf management, incorporating thoracic ultrasonography as a tool

Key Information

CPD Hours: 8 hours

Course Length: One day

Course Format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical ultrasonography sessions

Course Programme

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Course Information

Key Areas
  • Why calf management and welfare matters
  • Understanding calf colostrum
  • Calf disease impacts
  • Pre-weaning calf nutrition
  • Beef from dairy
  • Thoracic ultrasonography as a practical tool
About this course

Are you working in farm practice and want to improve the performance of your clients’ calves? Are you faced with the re-occurring problems of sick and unthrifty calves, and are looking for an evidence based understanding, along with practical applications on farm? Do you deal with clients rearing beef from dairy, and want to gain insights from vets experienced in these areas?

Want some tips and tricks to help regardless of whether you are a new graduate or an advanced practitioner?

This course will provide you with the latest evidence on optimal calf rearing strategies, starting with an understanding of the fundamental impacts calf rearing has, and covering the best practice management of colostrum, nutrition and disease. In addition, specialist information in managing ‘beef from dairy’ calves for efficient rearing and finishing will be covered.

The course format includes comprehensive notes and illustrated lectures which will include plenty of time for questions and discussion. The afternoon will focus around the specific use of thoracic ultrasonography, covering both the theory and practical application for your clients, followed by an on-farm practical to hone your skills and ensure confidence in scanning calf lungs for your own clients.

Why do this course?

  • To understand why calf management and health matter, with implications on future production
  • To revise the role of colostrum, and the effect that disease can have on the calf
  • To obtain the latest information on calf nutrition and how it affects health and future performance
  • To learn specific veterinary management tools for farms rearing beef from dairy
  • To understand the theory of calf thoracic ultrasonography, and gain practical experience in its use.

Please note this event will be held at Kingston Maurward College, Kingston Maurward, Dorchester DT2 8PY


Ben Barber, BVetMed MRCVS
Development and management of health protocols on Buitelaar, Synergy Farm Health vet

Nicola Blackie, BSc(Hons) PhD FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Production Animal Science
The Royal Veterinary College

Jessica Cooke, BSc PhD
Research and Development Manager, Volac

Kate Johnson, MA VetMB PhD MRCVS
Lecturer, University of Reading

Sophie Mahendran, BVMedSci BVMBVS(Hons) MSc(VEPH) DipECBHM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS
RCVS Specialist in Cattle Health & Production
The Royal Veterinary College

Claire Wathes, BSc PhD Dsc FRASE FRSB
Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Reproduction
The Royal Veterinary College