Practical skin reconstructive techniques and wound management

Key Information

CPD Hours: 16 hours

Course Length: Two days

Course Format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions

Course Programme

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Being able to use cadavers in a practical session was very good. Is it much easier to pick up new techniques being able to put theory into practice and feel much more confident performing these myself now.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Principles of wound healing and skin reconstruction
  • Which dressing to choose
  • How to perform local skin flaps
  • Axial pattern flaps
  • Skin graft techniques
  • Reconstruction of head, neck, thorax, abdomen and limb wounds
  • Wounds in difficult areas – tips and tricks
About this course

Help, I have created a MONSTER (wound)! 

Managing wounds and large skin reconstructions can be extremely challenging. This course will help you to utilise wound management and skin reconstruction techniques to get those monsters under control. It is a two-day theoretical and practical course. We will discuss wound healing, how to manage open wounds and skin reconstruction techniques. You will be able to practise and consolidate this theoretical knowledge. The cadaver workshops will include tension relieving techniques, subdermal pattern flaps, axial pattern flaps and skin grafts.

Why do this course?
This course will be excellent for anyone in general practice managing open wounds or performing surgery to remove skin masses.


Lynda Rutherford, BVM&S MVetMed DipECVS PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS
Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College

Rhiannon Strickland, BVetMed MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College

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