Key Information
CPD Hours: 7 hours
Course Format: A mixture of recorded webinars, reading material and a live Q&A with the tutor
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Course Information
- Identification of commonly presented species
- Safe handling and clinical examination
- Triage and decision-making including euthanasia
- Initial emergency treatment
- Commonly seen conditions and how to approach them
Do you see wildlife casualties in practice and wish you had more knowledge of these species? Would you like to feel more confident with handling, triage and decision making?
Wildlife casualties are frequently presented for emergency veterinary care, and decision making and the approach to these cases can be challenging. This series of 3 webinars aims to help clinicians build confidence in their management of wildlife cases from species identification and triage through to stabilisation and treatment of common presentations. It is suitable for both experienced and new graduate vets and nurses.
Why do this course?
If you are seeing wildlife casualties on an occasional or regular basis and wish to build your confidence in approaching these cases. If you want to update your knowledge on the most commonly seen conditions and their treatment and prognoses, to provide optimal care for these patients.
The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and a live Q&A session with the tutor will run on Monday 22nd September at 1pm London time. The course also includes reading material.
Vicki Baldrey, BSc BVSc DZooMed (Avian) MRCVS
Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College
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