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This course may run again in the future. To register your interest please contact us.
Course Information
Few fields are developing faster than equine dentistry and we will explore what is now possible both diagnostically and treatments, both preventative and therapeutic. We will show you how CT compares with radiography and give views of the horse’s mouth from all possible angles. You will see examples of tooth fractures, caries, diastema, extractions and much more. We will show you how treatments have advanced and what we offer at the RVC. Prepare to be dazzled; sorry tooth whitening is not yet on offer!
The other lectures in the series are:
Diagnostic Imaging and Lameness - Wednesday 6th February 2019
Equine Dentistry - Wednesday 3rd April 2019
Buying a Horse - Wednesday 5th June 2019
Headshaking and Seizures - Wednesday 7th August 2019
Pain in horses - Wednesday 2nd October 2019
Gastrointestinal Anatomy - Wednesday 4th December 2019
Season ticket discount offer: Purchase 5 or 6 of the equine lectures above for just £40.
Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Tickets must be purchased in advance and before midday on the day. Please note we cannot accept payment at the door.
Registration commences at 7pm where refreshments will be available. Lecture time 7.30 - 9.00pm.
Late-comers may be refused entry.
A receipt will be sent as soon as we have processed your payment. Delegates will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the cost of administration no refunds can be given. The lecture can be viewed online at a later date and you will be sent these details by email.
Please note if you are purchasing a Season Ticket, the discount will automatically be added once you have added 5 or 6 lectures to your basket.
Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College
Albert Mestres-Aldavo, Equine Veterinary Surgeon
The Royal Veterinary College