Key Information
CPD Hours: 42 hours
Course Length: Six weeks
Course Format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience. Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, case assessments, supplementary reading material and discussion forums in which participants review and discuss cases with their colleagues and the tutor
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Course Information
- Cytology vs. histopathology
- Immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry
- PARR and flow cytometry
- Chemotherapy protocols and monitoring
- Safe handling of chemotherapy agents
- Lymphoma
- Mammary carcinoma
- Feline injection site sarcoma
- Mast cell tumours
Would you like to strengthen your confidence and enhance your skills in diagnosing and managing cancers in dogs and cats?
This course will provide you with an overview of different diagnostic tools for each cancer type discussed, when they are indicated and how to interpret the results including their advantages and disadvantages for different neoplasms. We will focus on diagnostic procedures that can be used in general practice to diagnose lymphoma, mammary carcinoma, injection site sarcomas, and mast cell tumours. Once a cancer has been diagnosed, there are a variety of chemotherapy protocols available and choosing between them can be challenging. This course therefore aims to discuss the advantages of certain protocols over others, their safe administration, adequate monitoring of patients to limit side effects, and how to treat adverse events.
Why do this course?
This course will equip you with the necessary knowledge to decide the optimum diagnostic tools to use to diagnose and monitor cancer and when and how to administer the correct chemotherapy treatment.
Alexandra Guillén, DVM DipECVIM-CA (Oncology) MRCVS
Lecturer in Veterinary Oncology
The Royal Veterinary College
Andy Yale, BVMedSci BVM BVS PGCertVetEd PGDipVCP MVetMed DipECVIM-CA (Oncology) FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Veterinary Oncology
The Royal Veterinary College