Webinar Plus: Diet and disease

Key Information

CPD Hours: 16 hours

Course Length: Four weeks

Course Format: A mixture of two-hour weekly webinars (which can be viewed live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), self-assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online discussion forums

Enrol Now

This course may run again in the future. To register your interest please contact us.

Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

The course was very practical and I have already used some of the information in my daily work.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Pitfalls of home cooked diets
  • Diet and chronic GI disease in dogs
  • Diet and skin disorders in animals
  • Controversies about home-made diets, commercial diets and raw-food diets
About this course

How can we use diets to effectively manage small animals with various disease? 

This course is aimed at general practitioners with an interest in small animal gastroenterology, dermatology and nutrition who are often faced with conditions which will require dietary modifications. The course will provide you with practical tips on how to differentiate such cases from other chronic gastrointestinal and dermatological cases, how to treat them and how to educate the owners on the use of hypoallergenic, exclusion and home cooked diets. Some controversial topics will be tackled and lively debates are assured!

Why do this course?
You will gain better understanding and insight of which patients may benefit from dietary management and have an opportunity to discuss a range of topics relevant to nutritional management of your patients.

The webinars will run on the following dates from 12.30pm to 2.30pm London time: 

Webinar dates:
Tuesday 21st February
Tuesday 28th February
Tuesday 7th March
Tuesday 14th March


Professor of Veterinary Dermatology
The Royal Veterinary College

Professor of Emergency Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Nutrition
The Royal Veterinary College

Aarti Kathrani, BVetMed PhD DipACVIM (SAIM) DipACVIM (Nutrition) FHEA MRCVS
Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine
The Royal Veterinary College

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