Key Information
CPD Hours: 8 hours
Course Length: One day
Course Format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions
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Course Information
- Principles of arthrodesis – how and when
- Bone grafts
- Carpal arthrodesis – techniques
- Post-operative management and complications
- Practical session – pancarpal arthrodesis and partial tarsal (calcaneo-quartal) arthrodesis
What can you do for the carpus or tarsus that cannot be returned to full function by standard orthopaedic surgery? What options for carpal or tarsal salvage are available and when should they be performed?
Participants will develop their knowledge, practical skills and clinical decision-making about how and when to perform an arthrodesis in this practical one-day course. The course will consist of lectures and clinical cases, followed by practical surgical exercises using cadavers. This course covers investigations and treatment into carpal and tarsal injuries and the decision-making process of which arthrodesis techniques are indicated. The course is not suitable for inexperienced orthopaedic surgeons – participants are expected to be experienced and comfortable with internal fixation techniques including screws, compression plates, K-wires and tension bands.
Why do this course?
You will increase your orthopaedic skills and learn important salvage techniques for those patients where arthrodesis is the only option to maintain their quality of life.
Elvin Kulendra, BVetMed MVetMed CertVDI PgCert(VetEd) DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Consultant surgeon
North Downs Specialist Referrals
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