Recorded Equine lecture series 2021: Through the keyhole - minimally invasive surgery

Key Information

Online Equine Lecture

Online Recorded Equine Lecture

Course Length: Two hours

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Course Information

Key Areas
  • Minimally invasive surgery
About this course

These lectures are designed for horse owners, riders and anyone with a passion for horses.

Now available as a recorded lecture. Please note bookings are only via the website.

Arthroscopy, tenoscopy, bursoscopy, endoscopy, sinoscopy, laparoscopy, what does it all mean?! Advances in equine surgery have led to most of our surgeries being performed in a minimally invasive fashion. Andy Fiske-Jackson, Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery at RVC Equine, will show you with plenty of videos, what that really means, and how it benefits our patients. This will be a fascinating tour around the inside of our patients, showing you what we can do via keyhole surgery.

Lectures in this series available to book as recordings:

Breeding horses - from conception to weaning
The heart of the matter - equine cardiology
This horse isn’t right - neurological disorders in horses
Equine sports medicine and rehabilitation 
Don’t be left out in the cold - winter health care


Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College