Stifle surgery – the basics through to TTA

Key Information

CPD Hours: 12 hours 4 hours for the recorded webinars and 8 hours for the practical day

Course Length: One day

Course Format: Practical sessions using cadaver material and plastic bones, case-based discussions and four hours of recorded webinars to be viewed before the onsite course

Course Programme

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Honest, practical, educational.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Surgical anatomy of the stifle joint
  • How to perform a lateral parapatellar arthrotomy of the stifle
  • How to place an extra-capsular suture for stabilisation of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle
  • How to perform meniscal inspection and resection
  • Corrective techniques to address patellar luxation
  • How to perform a medial parapatellar arthrotomy
  • How to perform a tibial tuberosity advancement procedure
About this course

Do you want to enhance your skills and surgically managing stifle problems such as cruciate rupture and patellar luxation?

This course of recorded webinars will be followed by an all-day practical giving you the opportunity to practise surgical techniques on synbones and cadavers. The webinars will cover the theory, and provide the necessary background for disease diagnosis and technical aspects required for the practical day. The onsite practical part of the course will give you the opportunity to put the theory into practice and develop your surgical skills.

Why do this course?
Whether you are a relative surgical novice or a more experienced surgeon this course will help you become a more skilled and knowledgeable surgeon. 


Richard Meeson, MA VetMB PhD MVetMed DipECVS PGCertVetEd FHEA FRCVS
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Head of Orthopaedics
The Royal Veterinary College

Rhiannon Strickland, BVetMed MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College

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