Webinar Plus: Feline behavioural medicine

Key Information

CPD Hours: 16 hours

Course Length: Four weeks

Course Format: A mixture of two-hour weekly webinars (which can be viewed live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), online case assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online discussion forums

Enrol Now

15 Sep - 12 Oct 25

Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

I have been able to use things I have learnt in the course already - it was very translatable into GP use and I feel it is already helping me to improve things for my cat patients at the practice and in their homes.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Understanding of normal feline behaviour and its influence on behavioural presentations
  • Feline emotional motivations- their role in normal behaviour and clinical behavioural medicine
  • Considering the veterinary experience from a feline perspective
  • The importance of considering emotional health in feline medicine cases
  • Pheromone therapy in feline practice
  • Understanding the role of medication in feline behavioural medicine
About this course
Would you like to enhance your understanding of feline emotional health and its impact on clinical behaviour?  

This course will explore the importance of behavioural medicine in feline practice. It will discuss normal feline behaviour as it relates to misunderstanding and misconceptions, which can influence clinical behavioural presentations. Consideration of the feline environmental needs will be related to the concept of environmental optimisation and the role that plays in managing feline cases, both within behavioural and internal medicine. There will be discussion of the veterinary practice role in educating feline caregivers in order to reduce the incidence of behavioural problems in the domestic cat population and reduce the impact of emotional distress on physical health of feline patients. Consideration will be given to some of the common feline behaviour presentations in general veterinary practice both in terms of concerns raised by caregivers about their pet’s behaviour at home and in relation to the welfare of feline patients during their veterinary visits.

Why do this course:
You will gain important insights into feline behaviour and the underpinning reasons for clinical behavioural presentations which will enhance your ability to help feline caregivers and improve feline welfare.  

The webinars will run on the following dates from 12.00pm to 2.00pm London time including a 30 minute registration and familiarisation period prior to the commencement of the lecture.

Webinar dates:
Tuesday 16th September
Tuesday 23rd September
Tuesday 30th September
Tuesday 7th October


RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Behavioural Medicine
Behavioural Referrals Veterinary Practice, Chester