Vet Courses (Anytime)

Managing acute and chronic laminitis

Managing CKD in cats

Managing horses in high level competition

Managing IMHA in practice

Managing IMTP in practice

Measuring antibiotic use in farm animals and does use affect antibiotic resistance?

Melanomas and sarcoids

My cat is grumpy – understanding pain related behavioural change

Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points and Rehabilitation, acute and chronic pain management

Nerve blocks principles and applications

    • M
    • Managing acute and chronic laminitis

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Conserve and realign that pedal bone!


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Conserve and realign that pedal bone! Laminitis is a very common ailment for practitioners to deal with. We will go over the different causes, how to recognise and treat it in the acute phase, and … more


      Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
      Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Managing CKD in cats

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Are we doing all we can for our chronic kidney cats?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £25.00

      Are we doing all we can for our chronic kidney cats?

      This webinar will look at the key aspects of successfully managing concurrent issues seen in feline patients suffering with CKD. Designed for … more


      Kelly Druce, BSc RVN DTLLS
      Medicine/Oncology Nurse and Clinical Educator
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Managing horses in high level competition

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Successful identification, management and prevention of injuries and illness in competition horses is key to success as a sports horse vet. This does however, requires a thorough understanding of the demands of each sport and the ability to identify issues at an early stage.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Successful identification, management and prevention of injuries and illness in competition horses is key to success as a sports horse vet. This does however, requires a thorough understanding of the … more


      Nicola Lynch, MVB CertAVP MVetMed MRCVS
      Staff Clinician in Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Managing IMHA in practice

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Gold standard care for IMHA – how can we achieve it?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Gold standard care for IMHA – how can we achieve it?

      This webinar will explore the condition of IMHA, looking at both clinical signs and diagnostic tools. The different treatments available will be … more


      Kelly Druce, BSc RVN DTLLS
      Medicine/Oncology Nurse and Clinical Educator
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Managing IMTP in practice

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Treatment modalities and nursing considerations – can we do more?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Treatment modalities and nursing considerations – can we do more?

      This webinar will explore the signs of, and various treatments available for immune mediated thrombocytopenia including the use of … more


      Kelly Druce, BSc RVN DTLLS
      Medicine/Oncology Nurse and Clinical Educator
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Measuring antibiotic use in farm animals and does use affect antibiotic resistance?

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Do you find the selection of antimicrobials to treat different bacterial diseases in farm animals is often a bit of a minefield and can leave you feeling confused?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Do you find the selection of antimicrobials to treat different bacterial diseases in farm animals is often a bit of a minefield and can leave you feeling confused?

      The first part of this webinar … more


      James Adams, BVSc FHEA MRCVS

      Andrea Turner, BA VetMB MRCVS DipECBHM
      Farm Animal Clinician
      Langford Vets, University of Bristol

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Melanomas and sarcoids

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Lumps in difficult places; when and how to treat them


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Lumps in difficult places; when and how to treat them This webinar discusses the most common skin tumours – melanomas and sarcoids. Effective treatments have become more accessible; which treatments … more


      Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
      Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • My cat is grumpy – understanding pain related behavioural change

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Pain is a very important factor in many behavioural presentations and this webinar will explore the link and discuss various ways in which pain can affect feline behaviour.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Pain is a very important factor in many behavioural presentations and this webinar will explore the link and discuss various ways in which pain can affect feline behaviour.

      The recognition of the … more


      Sarah Heath, BVSc PgCertVE DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB FRCVS
      RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Behavioural Medicine
      Behavioural Referrals Veterinary Practice, Chester

    • Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points and Rehabilitation, acute and chronic pain management

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Management of acute and chronic pain in equine patients can be challenging. What is pain? How do we recognise pain signs in equine patients? What treatment options are available when drugs may not work and how can they best be incorporated to your equine practice?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Management of acute and chronic pain in equine patients can be challenging. What is pain? How do we recognise pain signs in equine patients? What treatment options are available when drugs may not … more


      Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz , BSc DVM MRCVS CertVetAc, ABVA
      Education Director
      To The Point Acupuncture, Guildford

      Melanie Perrier, DipDACVS DipDECVS CERP MRCVS
      Lecturer in Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • N
    • Nerve blocks principles and applications

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Do you want to increase your confidence in performing and interpreting nerve blocks for the benefit of your patients?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Do you want to increase your confidence in performing and interpreting nerve blocks for the benefit of your patients? 

      This course is aimed at new and recent graduates and veterinarians wanting to … more


      Melanie Perrier, DipDACVS DipDECVS CERP MRCVS
      Lecturer in Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

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