Vet Courses (Anytime)

Ocular emergencies in small animals – the do’s and don’ts

Oh no, I think it’s ataxic! A practical approach to the neurological examination of the horse

Oncological emergencies: what to do and when to do it!

Osteoarthritis in dogs and cats - an overview

Overview and veterinary treatment of impinging spinous processes and sacro-iliac disorders and How can physiotherapy benefit your patients?

Overview and veterinary treatment of tarsal osteoarthritis and hindlimb suspensory ligament desmitis and How can physiotherapy benefit your patients?

Payment for 6 places on Equine referral evening - Oct 24

Payment for Feline dentistry

Payment for Rabbits, rodents and ferrets - medicine and surgery online

Payment for x2 Recorded Webinars

    • O
    • Ocular emergencies in small animals – the do’s and don’ts

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      Course Information

      That eye looks gross – help!


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      That eye looks gross – help!

      Many general practitioners are frightened of eye disease, especially ocular emergencies and often irreversible blindness can be avoided with the prompt and correct … more


      Christiane Kafarnik , PhD DipECVO MRCVS
      Lecturer in Ophthalmology
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Amy Andrews, BVetMed BSc PGDipVCP MRCVS
      Resident in Veterinary Ophthalmology
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Oh no, I think it’s ataxic! A practical approach to the neurological examination of the horse

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      Neurological disease is a common problem encountered in equine practice and the ability to perform a neurological examination is an essential skill that all veterinarians involved in equine practice should learn?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      This webinar will provide veterinarians from mixed or equine practice with the practical skills to determine if a neurological abnormality exists and the knowledge and confidence to interpret their … more


      Mike Hewetson, BSc BVSc CertEM DipECEIM MRCVS
      Associate Professor in Equine Medicine (Clinical Educator Track)
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Oncological emergencies: what to do and when to do it!

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      Course Information

      Recognise and deal with complications of cancer and its treatment


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Recognise and deal with complications of cancer and its treatment

      Cancer is often seen as a chronic condition of old dogs. However, it can lead to acute presentation, which may be life-threatening … more


      Isabelle Desmas-Bazelle, DVM, MVetMed, Dip ACVIM (Oncology), MRCVS
      Lecturer in Veterinary Oncology
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Osteoarthritis in dogs and cats - an overview

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      Course Information

      An overview of osteoarthritis and different approaches to case management


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      An overview of osteoarthritis and different approaches to case management

      This webinar is an introduction to osteoarthritis as a disease and the different treatment/management options currently … more


      Kate Fitton, RVN, FdSc, NCert
      Orthopaedic RVC
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Overview and veterinary treatment of impinging spinous processes and sacro-iliac disorders and How can physiotherapy benefit your patients?

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Impinging spinous processes and sacroiliac disorder: What are the common clinical signs, diagnostics and treatment options available and how can they best be incorporated to your equine practice?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Impinging spinous processes and sacroiliac disorder: What are the common clinical signs, diagnostics and treatment options available and how can they best be incorporated to your equine practice? … more


      Barbara Boross , PgDip, NAVP member, Veterinary Physiotherapist
      Equine Veterinary Physiotherapy
      NAVP, Gloucestershire

      Melanie Perrier, DipDACVS DipDECVS CERP MRCVS
      Lecturer in Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Overview and veterinary treatment of tarsal osteoarthritis and hindlimb suspensory ligament desmitis and How can physiotherapy benefit your patients?

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Tarsal osteoarthritis and hindlimb suspensory desmitis: What are the common clinical signs, diagnostics and treatment options available and how can they best be incorporated to your equine practice?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Tarsal osteoarthritis and hindlimb suspensory desmitis: What are the common clinical signs, diagnostics and treatment options available and how can they best be incorporated to your equine practice?  … more


      Barbara Boross , PgDip, NAVP member, Veterinary Physiotherapist
      Equine Veterinary Physiotherapy
      NAVP, Gloucestershire

      Melanie Perrier, DipDACVS DipDECVS CERP MRCVS
      Lecturer in Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • P
    • Payment for 6 places on Equine referral evening - Oct 24

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Payment for Equine referral evening - Oct 24 x6 places

      Price: £60.00

      Only a few spaces left! Please only book online or call the CPD Office (01707 666865) to secure your place.

      Payment of CPD course fees more

    • Payment for Rabbits, rodents and ferrets - medicine and surgery online

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Payment for Rabbits, rodents and ferrets - medicine and surgery online

      Price: £729.00

      Only a few spaces left! Please only book online or call the CPD Office (01707 666865) to secure your place.

      Balance payment for Rabbits, rodents and ferrets - medicine and surgery online more

    • Payment for x2 Recorded Webinars

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      Course Information

      Payment for x2 recorded webinars - £85.00 RW: What's new in decision making for dietary management of feline CKD? - £35.00 RW: Logical assessment of the patient with vomiting, diarrhoea or weight loss - £50.00

      Price: £85.00

      Only a few spaces left! Please only book online or call the CPD Office (01707 666865) to secure your place.

      Payment for x2 recorded webinars - £85.00 RW: What's new in decision making for dietary management of feline CKD? - £35.00RW: Logical assessment of the patient with vomiting, diarrhoea or weight loss … more

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