Vet Courses (Anytime)

Introduction to shelter medicine

Introduction to ultrasound guided injections

Investigation and management of cutaneous lumps and bumps

Is play always beneficial for dogs

Itchy, hot and bothered - seasonal skin diseases

Joint medications – a practical approach

Lameness cases – which leg, which block, management and outcome

Logical assessment of the patient with vomiting, diarrhoea or weight loss

Making sense of the numbers – does every patient with azotaemia have renal failure?

Management of osteoarthritis in general practice – so many choices, so many new treatments!

    • I
    • Introduction to shelter medicine

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      Are you new to shelter medicine and want to know more about the subject many new graduates are talking about? Are you involved in charity work in your practice? Do you see recently adopted animals? Would you like to know why shelter vets use different vaccination regimes and neutering policies?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Are you new to shelter medicine and want to know more about the subject many new graduates are talking about? Are you involved in charity work in your practice?Do you see recently adopted animals?  … more


      Louise Allum, BSc MA VetMB PGCert(VetEd) MRCVS,
      Head Vet, Shelter Medicine Program,
      Royal Veterinary College

      Bree Merritt, BSc BVMS PGDipCABC FHEA MRCVS
      Lead Vet at Wood Green, the Animals Charity for Shelter Medicine Program
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Introduction to ultrasound guided injections

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      Course Information

      Watch your needle go exactly where you want it!


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Watch your needle go exactly where you want it!  

      This webinar will instruct on how to perform ultrasound guided injections in practice. We will go through a checklist of principles and kit required. … more


      Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
      Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Investigation and management of cutaneous lumps and bumps

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      Course Information

      Nodular skin lesions are a common presenting sign in the horse and may manifest as papules, nodules, wheals, masses or ulceration. Definitive diagnosis is essential in order to select an appropriate treatment and provide an accurate diagnosis. This webinar will cover the diagnostic approach to nodular skin disease and focus on the treatment of common diseases that may be encountered in practice, including novel treatments for sarcoids and melanomas.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      We are in the process of re-recording this course, please register your interest with us and we will contact you when the course is bookable.

      Nodular skin lesions are a common presenting sign in the … more


      Mike Hewetson, BSc BVSc CertEM DipECEIM MRCVS
      Associate Professor in Equine Medicine (Clinical Educator Track)
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Is play always beneficial for dogs

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      Course Information

      This webinar will highlight the importance of managing play in ways that maximise its benefits when dealing with cases involving problematic behaviour and compromised emotional health.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      This webinar will highlight the importance of managing play in ways that maximise its benefits when dealing with cases involving problematic behaviour and compromised emotional health.

      Play is often … more


      Sarah Heath, BVSc PgCertVE DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB FRCVS
      RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Behavioural Medicine
      Behavioural Referrals Veterinary Practice, Chester

    • Itchy, hot and bothered - seasonal skin diseases

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      Course Information

      This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to learn about management of summer skin diseases - less common and atopic.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      The summer season hopefully brings sun, but it also brings an increase in certain diseases and problems.

      This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to learn about management of summer skin … more


      Anke Hendricks, DrMedVet CertVD DipECVD PGCertAP FHEA MRCVS
      Associate Professor in Veterinary Dermatology
      The Royal Veterinary College

    • J
    • Joint medications – a practical approach

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      Course Information

      Is phenylbutazone always sufficient to manage horses with osteoarthritis? Learn what other possibilities there are to manage these cases, other than corticosteroids and NSAIDs


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Is phenylbutazone always sufficient to manage horses with osteoarthritis? Learn what other possibilities there are to manage these cases, other than corticosteroids and NSAIDs

      Degenerative joint … more


      Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • L
    • Lameness cases – which leg, which block, management and outcome

      Key Information

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      Course Information

      How confident are you with lameness case management? Can you spot both fore and hindlimb lameness, and detect an improvement following diagnostic analgesia?


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      How confident are you with lameness case management? Can you spot both fore and hindlimb lameness, and detect an improvement following diagnostic analgesia? 

      This webinar will be entirely on the … more


      Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
      Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • Logical assessment of the patient with vomiting, diarrhoea or weight loss

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      Course Information

      Vomiting, diarrhoea or weight loss are common presenting signs in patient with GI disease. However, many non GI disorders can also present similarly and it is imperative that the clinician has a robust and logical approach to these clinical signs. Investigation of primary and secondary GI disease can be very different and different diagnostic tools have varying value.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      Vomiting, diarrhoea or weight loss are common presenting signs in patient with GI disease. However, many non GI disorders can also present similarly and it is imperative that the clinician has a … more


      Jill Maddison, BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc SFHEA MRCVS
      Professor of General Practice
      The Royal Veterinary College

      Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

    • M
    • Making sense of the numbers – does every patient with azotaemia have renal failure?

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      Course Information

      In this webinar we delve into renal physiology, so we can understand what changes in urea & creatinine and urine specific gravity can mean... or not mean.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £50.00

      In this webinar we delve into renal physiology, so we can understand what changes in urea & creatinine and urine specific gravity can mean ... or not mean. 

      This webinar is week 4 of the course … more


      Jill Maddison, BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc SFHEA MRCVS
      Professor of General Practice
      The Royal Veterinary College

    • Management of osteoarthritis in general practice – so many choices, so many new treatments!

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      Course Information

      Osteoarthritis is common, enduring and difficult to manage for both dogs, their owners and vets. There are many different options with various levels of supportive evidence. You will leave this lecture informed on established and new treatment options, in addition to being able to develop a holistic ‘life-style’ plan for these patients. We will also consider how to determine if these strategies are working and how to get owners engaged in the process.


      Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

      Price: £35.00

      Osteoarthritis is common, enduring and difficult to manage for both dogs, and their owners and vets. There are many different options with various levels of supportive evidence. You will leave this … more


      Richard Meeson, MA VetMB PhD MVetMed DipECVS PGCertVetEd FHEA FRCVS
      Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Head of Orthopaedics
      The Royal Veterinary College

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