Introduction to acupuncture and equine acupuncture - warts and all and acupuncture’s physiologic mechanism

Key Information

CPD Hours: 1 hours

Course Length: One hour

Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided

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Course Information

Key Areas
  • Background of equine acupuncture
  • Anatomic features of acupuncture points
  • Acupuncture’s physiologic mechanisms.
About this course

Acupuncture and equine acupuncture both carry historical baggage that has put off many in the medical community since its modern introduction in the 1970s. In brief, western proponents of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory have mistakenly construed acupuncture as an “energy medicine” that operates outside a scientific understanding of anatomy and physiology. Modern medical interest has developed from scientific research that shows it operates very much within our growing understanding of anatomic and physiologic responses.

In this webinar a brief description of acupuncture’s difficult history will be followed by a description of some of the more important aspects of acupuncture related anatomy and the physiologic responses to acupuncture.

Why do this course?
This course is designed for veterinarians, nurses, & physiotherapists regularly involved with lameness/poor performance cases with a special interest in rehabilitation of the equine athlete. You will learn what acupuncture can offer to your clients, and how it is synergistic with physiotherapy to produce improved integrative therapy. It is also open to certified vet acupuncturists, certified physiotherapists, certified nurses and physiotherapy students.

Our extensive library of recorded webinars are great value for busy practitioners seeking quality CPD at a time of their choice and without leaving home. Participants gain access to the webinar for two weeks which allows them to view it at their leisure and convenience as well as review aspects as needed to enhance learning. Participants will receive an electronic copy of the slides to support their viewing session and a CPD certificate.

Members of the BVA Young Vets Network receive a 50% discount on our recorded webinars (subject to availability – ten discounted places available per webinar per year).

Please note: Our anytime Recorded Webinars and Recorded Webinar Plus CPD are regularly reviewed to ensure they are still providing the most up-to-date information. Please therefore activate the webinar within 3 months of purchase as we cannot guarantee availability after this time period. Any recorded webinars that are removed from sale during the 3 month time period we will offer a free replacement.


Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz , BSc DVM MRCVS CertVetAc, ABVA
Education Director
To The Point Acupuncture, Guildford