Key Information
CPD Hours: 16 hours
Course Length: Four weeks
Course Format: A mixture of pre-recorded webinars (which can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the tutors, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online case-based discussion forums
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Course Information
- Canine diabetes mellitus – update on pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment
- Hyperadrenocorticism – update on presentation, diagnosis and treatment
- Hypoadrenocorticism – update on pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment
- Hypothyroidism – how to avoid unnecessary treatment
- Key facts on less common canine endocrinopathies (insulinoma, pituitary dwarfism, hyperaldosteronism)
- Basic considerations around hypercalcaemic disorders
Can we use SGLT2 inhibitors in dogs? Is the ACTH stimulation test the optimum test to diagnose Cushing’s syndrome? Cannot get DOCP to work in your cases? Never used continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring in your diabetic dogs at home? Is there a place for super concentrated insulin Toujeo? Do you really need to measure basal hormone values when you are using dynamic testing? Is the urinary corticoid creatinine ratio a valuable asset in ruling in or ruling out Cushing’s syndrome?
The field of canine endocrinology has changed a lot in the past few years. During this course we will aim to make you more comfortable and confident in diagnosing and managing a range of canine endocrine disorders. You will be updated on the rational use of drugs such as DOCP and prednisolone for hypoadrenocorticism and a range of insulin types and GLP-1 agonists for diabetes mellitus. In addition we will discuss the use of and monitoring of “old” drugs like Trilostane used in new ways and the diagnosis and monitoring of hypothyroidism.
Why do this course?
The course will help you practice up-to-date medicine and deliver the best possible service to your clients and to your canine patients with endocrine disease.
The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and can be viewed as recorded versions throughout the course. A live Q&A session with the tutor will run on the following dates at 12.30pm London time.
Live Q&A dates:
Thursday 5th June
Thursday 12th June
Thursday 19th June
Thursday 26th June
Professor of Small Animal Studies
The Royal Veterinary College
Stijn Niessen, DVM PhD DipECVIM-CA PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS, European and RCVS
RCVS Recognised Specialist and EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine Founder and Director of Veterinary Specialist Consultations and VIN Europe, Amsterdam, Professor (Adjunct) Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA President-Elect European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Honorary Professor Internal Medicine, The Royal Veterinary College
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