Key Information
CPD Hours: 16 hours
Course Length: Four weeks
Course Format: A mixture of pre-recorded webinars (which can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the tutors, online case assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online discussion forums
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This course may run again in the future. To register your interest please contact us.
Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form
Course Information
- Feline diabetes mellitus update
- Feline acromegaly – update on presentation, diagnosis and treatment
- Feline hyperthyroidism
- Uncommon feline endocrinopathies
- What to do when endocrinopathies clash with co-morbidities
One in three diabetic cats can be cured. Acromegaly can occur in non-diabetic cats. Feline diabetes CAN be treated without injections. If you are curious about these statements, you will definitely learn a lot during this course on feline endocrinology!
In the past decade, significant advances have occurred in the field of feline endocrinology. Achieving diabetic remission is now, rightly or wrongly, heavily promoted, there is an additional option for the treatment of hyperthyroidism (but which option is best?) and acromegaly is now recognised as a severely underdiagnosed endocrinopathy in diabetic cats, as well as non-diabetic cats. In summary – lots to discuss!
Why do this course?
You will feel much more confident about managing your feline cases with hormonal disease.
The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and can be viewed as recorded versions throughout the course. A live Q&A session with the tutor will run on the following dates at 1pm London time
Live Q&A dates:
Thursday 17th March
Thursday 24th March
Thursday 31st March
Thursday 7th April
RCVS Recognised Specialist and EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine Founder and Director of Veterinary Specialist Consultations and VIN Europe, Amsterdam
Honorary Senior Lecturer Internal Medicine, The Royal Veterinary College
Stijn Niessen, DVM PhD DipECVIM-CA PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS, European and RCVS
RCVS Recognised Specialist and EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine Founder and Director of Veterinary Specialist Consultations and VIN Europe, Amsterdam, Professor (Adjunct) Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA President-Elect European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Honorary Professor Internal Medicine, The Royal Veterinary College
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