Key Information
CPD Hours: 1 hours
Course Length: One hour
Course Format: Recorded webinar with a copy of the webinar slides provided
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Course Information
This webinar will provide veterinarians from mixed or equine practice with the practical skills to determine if a neurological abnormality exists and the knowledge and confidence to interpret their findings in order to localise the lesion to a specific anatomic region of the nervous system.
Why do this course?
Neurological disease is a common problem encountered in equine practice and the ability to perform a neurological examination is an essential skill that all veterinarians involved in equine practice should learn.
Key areas
The procedure and sequence for the neurological examination, followed by interpretation of the findings in order to localise the lesion/s to a specific anatomical region of the nervous system. Videos will be used to demonstrate the various neurological syndromes that may be encountered in practice; and practitioners will have an opportunity to practise localising the lesion on a wide variety of different cases.
Members of the BVA Young Vets Network receive a 50% discount on our recorded webinars (subject to availability – ten discounted places available per webinar per year).
Please note: Our anytime Recorded Webinars and Recorded Webinar Plus CPD are regularly reviewed to ensure they are still providing the most up-to-date information. Please therefore activate the webinar within 3 months of purchase as we cannot guarantee availability after this time period. Any recorded webinars that are removed from sale during the 3 month time period we will offer a free replacement.
Mike Hewetson, BSc BVSc CertEM DipECEIM MRCVS
Associate Professor in Equine Medicine (Clinical Educator Track)
The Royal Veterinary College
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