Ultrasonography of the hindlimb

Key Information

CPD Hours: 15 hours 1 day and 7 hours of webinar viewing

Course Length: One day

Course Format: Practical sessions using live horses and cadaver material, case-based discussions and seven one-hour recorded webinars to be viewed before the onsite course

Course Programme

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I found that doing the lectures ahead of time was actually more useful than trying to cram everything in on the day. It meant that I had a good idea of what was going to be covered and my brain hadn’t reached saturation point.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Ultrasonography of the pastern
  • Ultrasonography of the digital flexor tendon sheath
  • Ultrasonography of the suspensory ligament
  • Ultrasonography of the hock and tarsal sheath
  • Ultrasonography of the stifle
  • Ultrasonography of the hip, pelvis and sacroiliac region
  • Ultrasound guided injections
About this course

Would you like to improve your ultrasound examination of the hindlimb from pastern to sacroiliac, including ultrasound guided injections?

This course of recorded webinars will be followed by a day of case based discussions and practical sessions. The course is suitable for both the beginner and advanced practitioner. The webinars will cover applied anatomy, different ultrasound techniques and acquisition of diagnostic images. There will be plenty of practical hints and tips to get the most out of your ultrasound examination. The onsite part of the course will involve case discussions and practical sessions including ultrasound guided injection techniques.

Why do this course?
The webinars allow you to learn at your own pace and avoids the long sessions of lectures that most busy vets struggle to stay awake in! They can be listened to at a convenient time, you just need to confirm you have worked through them as a prerequisite for attending the practical component of the course. This allows more practical sessions to be fitted in to the onsite part of the course giving more time for you to have the probe in your hand!


Andy Fiske-Jackson, BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Associate Professor of Equine Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College

Alex Hawkins, BSc BVSc MVetMed DipECVS MRCVS
Lecturer in Equine Surgery
Royal Veterinary College

Professor of Equine Orthopaedics
The Royal Veterinary College

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