Small animal medical nursing online

Key Information

CPD Hours: 18 hours

Course Length: Six weeks

Course Format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience. Resources include a combination of one-hour weekly reading tutorials, electronic course notes, videos, shared discussion forums with colleagues and the tutor, including case-based approaches, self-assessment tasks as well as supplementary reading

Enrol Now

28 Apr - 08 Jun 25

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Thank you for running this excellent course and structuring it in this way.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Pathophysiology, nursing management and skills associated with:
  • - Canine blood disorders
  • - Adrenal disease
  • - Pancreatitis and hepatic lipidosis
  • - Diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis
  • - Feline triaditis
  • - Infectious diseases
About this course

Confused about medical disease processes? Wondering how the nursing care you give impacts the disease state of your patient?

This online course will help improve your understanding of medical nursing by looking at a range of conditions seen in clinical practice. The pathophysiology, nursing considerations and complications of a number of common medical conditions will be highlighted.

Learn how patients suffering from a range of medical conditions are nursed in clinics all over the UK and beyond using discussion forums and the transfer of knowledge through the online course platform. Test your knowledge at the end of each week with self-assessment tasks and watch your knowledge grow!

Why do this course? 
This course will refresh your knowledge of key areas in common medical disease pathways as well as discuss how medical conditions are nursed to a high standard. It will help bridge the gap between “what we do” and “why we do it”.



Gina Parkes, DipAVN (Small animal) PGCertVetEd FHEA RVN
Head Medicine Nurse
The Royal Veterinary College