Emergency and critical care nursing online

Key Information

CPD Hours: 18 hours

Course Length: Six weeks

Course Format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience. Resources include a one hour weekly reading tutorial, electronic course notes, shared discussion forums including case-based approaches, self-assessment tasks and supplementary reading

Enrol Now

29 Sep - 09 Nov 25

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Elle was the perfect tutor for this course – her knowledge is superior and webinars were really easy to follow. I learnt something every week and going back to basics with some things was useful too.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Introduction and the emergency team and triage
  • Intravenous fluid therapy
  • The cardiorespiratory patient
  • Medical emergencies
  • Surgical emergencies
  • Critical care
About this course

The phone rings and an emergency is on its way. Are you and the team prepared?

Many nurses find emergency work challenging and overwhelming, but it can be exhilarating and rewarding with a good team and forward thinking. This course is aimed at qualified veterinary nurses who wish to expand and further their knowledge of working with emergency and critical care patients. The course will refresh your knowledge of specific key areas including preparation of the clinic and team, common emergency presentations and how to nurse the hospitalised critical patient. The key elements of each topic will be discussed so that you can take ideas and tips away to implement in your clinic.

Why do this course? 
You will increase your confidence in relation to the emergency patient journey. You will review how to set up an emergency service, how to maximise what you already have in your practice, understand the nurse’s role in emergency presentations and key issues relevant to nursing the critical patient.



Eleanor Haskey, BSc VTS (ECC) VPAC A1 PGCertVetEd FHEA RVN
Anaesthesia Nurse and Former ECC Head Nurse
The Royal Veterinary College

Daina Rawlings, BSc VNCertECC VTS(ECC) RVN
Head Nurse
WECare Worldwide, Sri Lanka