Key Information
CPD Hours: 16 hours
Course Length: Four weeks
Course Format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), self-assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online discussion forums
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Course Information
- Developing a logical approach to common clinical signs related to disorders of the gut, liver and pancreas
- Interpretation of clinical pathology relevant to the gut, liver and pancreas
- Principles of abdominal imaging
- Principles of abdominal surgery relevant to the gut liver, and pancreas
Please note the course dates have changed from the published dates (Monday 10th March to Sunday 6th April)
Do you sometimes struggle to decide what diagnostic test is going to be most helpful for a patient you suspect has GI, liver or pancreatic disease?
Do you struggle to decide whether the radiograph has confirmed your suspicion of an intestinal obstruction? Does the thought of doing a liver, pancreatic or intestinal biopsy send shivers down your spine? Then this multidisciplinary course is the one for you.
Why do this course?
In the first three weeks we will tackle the diagnostic challenges relating to liver, pancreatic and gut disease. We will discuss a logical approach to the clinical signs a patient with abdominal disorders may present with and clin path interpretation challenges. The role of abdominal radiology vs abdominal ultrasound and other imaging modalities such as CT will be discussed – is there one modality that is always best? And then finally, the principles of surgical procedures involving the gut, liver and pancreas will be reviewed.
Throughout the course there will be ample opportunity for discussion between participants, to have all of your queries and concerns answered by the tutors as well as case studies on which to practice your decision-making skills.
There are a mixture of webinars & Q&As which will run on the following dates & times London time:
Webinar dates:
Thursday 12th June, 12.30 - 2.30pm - webinar
Thursday 19th June, 12.30 - 2.30pm - webinar
Thursday 26th June, 11.30 - 12.30pm - Q&A
Thursday 30th June, 12.30 - 1.30pm - Q&A
Cathy Beck, BVSc DipVetClinStud MVS GCUT FANZCVS (Radiology)
Consultant Radiologist, VetCT
Jill Maddison, BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc SFHEA MRCVS
Professor of General Practice
The Royal Veterinary College
Rhiannon Strickland, BVetMed MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College
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