Webinar Plus: Integrating echocardiography into your clinical practice

Key Information

CPD Hours: 16 hours

Course Length: Four weeks

Course Format: A mixture of weekly pre-recorded webinars (which can be viewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the tutor, self-assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online discussion forums

Enrol Now

28 Oct - 24 Nov 24

Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

Tutor very easy to listen to, very good explanations for questions. Learnt lots of useful information in the course.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • How does echo help with:
  • Essential echo views and how to get them
  • The older dog with a murmur
  • Other dogs with a murmur or arrhythmia
  • The asymptomatic cat with a murmur
  • The cat presenting with respiratory distress
  • The weak, hypotensive dog or cat
  • The puppy or kitten with a murmur
About this course

“I’ve done the echo, now what?!”

Developing proficiency in practical echocardiography is a challenge in itself, but obtaining good images is only the start. The purpose of echocardiography is to help with clinical decision-making. While other courses might focus on how to obtain standard echocardiography views and how to make measurements, this course will focus on what you can do with your echocardiography findings to make better clinical decisions in dogs and cats with suspected heart disease. It is designed to be suitable for participants with some echocardiography experience, but you do not need to be an expert echocardiographer to get something out of this course.

The role of echocardiography will be critically evaluated in a problem-based approach, looking at common presenting problems in dogs and cats. For each diagnostic challenge, the role of other diagnostic tests will also be reviewed, as well as guidance on treatment.

Why do this course?
This course will review the diagnostic approach to common presenting signs of heart disease in dogs and cats, with a particular emphasis on the crucial role of echocardiography and how it can help you select the most appropriate treatment.  

The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and can be viewed as recorded versions throughout the course. A live Q&A session with the tutor will run on the following dates at 1pm.

Live Q&A dates:

Wednesday 30th October
Wednesday 6th November
Wednesday 13th November
Wednesday 20th November


Virginia Luis Fuentes, VetMB PhD CertVR DVC DipACVIM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS
Professor of Veterinary Cardiology
The Royal Veterinary College

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