Key Information
CPD Hours: 12 hours
Course Length: Four weeks
Course Format: A previous live course that contains recorded webinars, reading material, slides and a set of FAQs that represent the questions and concerns of previous participants
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Course Information
- Interpreting tests in the clinical context – why the numbers don’t always tell the full story and the importance of clinical reasoning
- Making sense of the biochemical profile – what can it tell you and what can it not?
- – Liver and pancreatic enzymes, bilirubin, bile acids, cholesterol
- – Electrolytes, calcium, phosphate
- – Urea and creatinine
What does a positive PLI really mean? Does every patient with azotaemia have renal failure? How helpful is SDMA in answering this question?
Clinical pathology tests are a very important part of the diagnostic tools veterinary practitioners need to diagnose and manage diseases in small animal patients. They are also frequently run to screen patients in preparation for anaesthesia or in geriatric patients as part of a “health profile”. Abnormal or even normal results in a well or unwell patient can create confusion rather than clarity if they are not critically reviewed as an integral part of the clinical assessment of all data relevant to the patient and presenting problem(s).
Why do this course?
The course will enhance your ability to make sense of clinical pathology tests that are run every day in practice but can sometimes be more confusing than illuminating.
This course last ran in September 2021 and contains all of the learning material (webinars, reading material, slides, self assessment exercises) from then, but is not tutor moderated. A set of FAQs is available which represent the questions and concerns previous participants have had and the tutor responses.
You have four weeks in which to view the recorded Webinar Plus course. Courses can be purchased in advance and activated as and when you are ready to view*.Your four weeks will start from the point of activation. When you have finished the course you may request a CPD certificate.
*Please note: Our anytime Recorded Webinar Plus CPD courses are regularly reviewed to ensure they are still providing the most up-to-date information. Please therefore activate the course within 3 months of purchase as we cannot guarantee availability after this time period. Any recorded Webinar Plus courses that are removed from sale during the 3 month time period we will offer a free replacement.
If you require any assistance please contact the CPD Unit at or 01707 666865
Professor of Small Animal Studies
The Royal Veterinary College
Emma Holmes, BVetMed MVetMed DipACVP FHEA MRCVS
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
The Royal Veterinary College
Jill Maddison, BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc SFHEA MRCVS
Professor of General Practice
The Royal Veterinary College
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