A vet's guide to small scale pig producers and pet pig owners

Key Information

CPD Hours: 7 hours

Course Length: One day

Course Format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions using pig models

Course Programme

Enrol Now

15 Aug 25

Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

The tutors ensured everyone learnt what they wanted on the day.

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Clinical examination
  • Common diseases and treatments
  • Sedations and surgical procedures (including practical on pig models)
  • Biosecurity, pig health planning, and diagnostic testing (including blood sampling practical on pig models)
  • Notifiable diseases
  • Euthanasia of pigs (including intracardiac injection practical on pig models)
About this course

Ever dread a call to a sick pig?

It is time to upskill your knowledge and gain practical advice from practicing farm vets on how to approach pig calls and practise surgical procedures and blood sampling on our pig simulator models.

This course aims to allow vets from all areas of veterinary practice who are asked to see pigs in their daily work to strengthen and build on their knowledge and skills.

The course will include seminars which can be tailored to the specific needs of attending vets, as well as practical sessions.

The practical sessions will include models for castration, tailing, blood sampling and intracardiac injections to allow participants to get hands on with practical skills required by small scale pig producers and pet pig owners.

If you are anxious or nervous practitioner about seeing pigs, we hope this friendly and hands-on one day course will encourage you to enjoy working with small scale pig producers. This course is perfect for new graduates and experienced vets that are required to undertake pig work.

Please note there has been a change to the advertised dates, this course will only run on Friday 15th August at Synergy Farm Health, Dorset DT2 0HS.

Course Programme:

09:30 - 10:00

Registration and refreshments

10:00 - 13:00

- Legislation and Biosecurity

- Clinical examination and Restraint

- Common disease and treatments

- Notifiable diseases and diagnostic tests

13:00 - 13:45


13:45 - 17:00

- Chemical restraint

- Hands on practical of surgical procedures with the pig models

- Health planning

- Euthanasia and practical with pig models


Beth Reilly, BVetMed PGDipVCP PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS
Farm Animal Teaching Fellow
The Royal Veterinary College

Pete Siviter, BVetMed MRCVS
Farm Veterinary Surgeon
Synergy Farm Health