Webinar Plus: Equine anaesthesia

Key Information

CPD Hours: 16 hours

Course Length: Four weeks

Course Format: A mixture of weekly pre-recorded webinars (which can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the tutors, online case assessment exercises, quizzes, supplementary reading material and online tutor-moderated discussion forums

Enrol Now

15 Sep - 12 Oct 25

Alternatively you can download and email using our Registration Form

Great course with great information and instruction. I’ve already applied concepts from the course into practice.”

Course Information

Key Areas
  • Practical equine anaesthesia including sedation, induction and recovery methods to upskill the participants in selecting appropriate anaesthetic and analgesic protocols for their patients
  • Basic cardiovascular and respiratory physiology in horses and the support of cardiovascular and respiratory function under general anaesthesia
  • Available pain assessment methods and mechanism-based analgesic management options and controversies in horses
  • Field anaesthesia and emergency cases including anaesthesia of foals, donkeys, pregnant mares and other difficult cases
About this course

“There are no safe anaesthetic agents, there are no safe anaesthetic procedures. There are only safe anaesthetists.” -Robert Smith, MD

This online course is designed to instil confidence in veterinary surgeons who are tasked with responsibility for anaesthesia in equine practices. It will cover some of the key areas of equine anaesthesia including pain assessment and analgesia, commonly used routine anaesthetic protocols, monitoring and cardiovascular and respiratory support. The final sessions will consider challenging cases, such as anaesthesia for obstetric and colic cases, and anaesthesia in foals and donkeys.

The case discussions will include controversies within equine anaesthesia, and the evidence base for these. As such they will improve your reflective skills and encourage audit of your own practice, which is a critical learning area for those who are enrolled in relevant CertAVP modules.

Why do this course?
You will improve your ability to anaesthetise a horse safely and increase your confidence when dealing with challenging equine anaesthetics.

The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and can be viewed as recorded versions throughout the course. A live Q&A session with the tutor will run on the following dates at 1.30pm London time.

Live Q&A dates:
Thursday 18th September
Thursday 25th September
Thursday 2nd October
Thursday 9th October


Honorary Professor of Veterinary Anaesthesia
The Royal Veterinary College

Janny de Grauw, DVM PhD DipECVAA MRCVS
Honorary lecturer in Anaesethesia and Analgesia, Royal Veterinary College

Johanna Kaartinen, Msc PhD DipECVAA FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
The Royal Veterinary College

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