Key Information
CPD Hours: 42 hours
Course Format: Lectures, virtual reality laparoscopic simulator training and cadaver practical sessions
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Course Information
- Development of the unique set of psychomotor skills required for laparoscopic surgery
- Practical hands-on experience of laparoscopic surgeries including neutering, gastropexy, liver biopsy, bile aspirate, abdominal exploration and gastrointestinal biopsies
Are you interested in adding laparoscopy to the services you can offer your patients?
Laparoscopy can be used in veterinary clinics to perform neutering, prophylactic gastropexy, abdominal organ biopsies and much more. Laparoscopy has proven benefits compared to conventional open surgery including: smaller surgical wounds, decreased pain, faster recovery to normal activities and improved outcomes.
Laparoscopy requires a unique psychomotor skill set including: video eye-hand coordination, instrument manipulation and adaptation to a 2-D monitor display. A great way to achieve laparoscopic competency is to practice in a controlled environment, outside the operating room, using computer simulators. This affords the opportunity for rapid and sustained skill acquisition in a safe, ethical and friendly environment. Such training will maximise your chances of success and reduce risk to your patients.
This is a 3-stage course
Stage 1: One day onsite Friday 2nd May at the Royal Free Medical Simulation Centre
Stage 2: Various dates in-between Tuesday 6th May to Friday 4th July at the Royal Free Simulation Centre
Stage 3: Two day onsite Thursday 10th and Friday 11th July at the RVC
This is a 3-stage onsite course run over a period of 3 months. The first stage is a one-day onsite course at the Royal Free Medical Simulation Centre. You will be introduced to state-of-the-art, virtual reality, high fidelity, laparoscopic computer simulators and also have the opportunity to practice using real laparoscopic instruments in training boxes.
The second stage is a laparoscopic psychomotor skills course, using computer simulators. This is completed over a 60-day period at the Royal Free Medical Simulation Centre. This will include an introductory session, 16 to 25 one-hour, self-directed, training sessions; 3 to 4 one-on-one formative assessments; and a final summative assessment. Please see below for more information.
The third stage includes a one-day lecture series in small animal laparoscopic surgery, complemented by one-day of on-site cadaver practicals at the RVC.
Why do this course?
This course is designed to launch your “key hole” surgery journey. You will develop the psychomotor skills for laparoscopic surgery using a computer simulator training programme, proven to be ‘the most effective method to acquire and retain long-term surgical skills’ (Dr Pasquale Berlingieri).
Further information on the expectations of stage 2
Stage two is fundamental to this course, so please consider your access to the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Hospital and commitment to laparoscopic surgery before signing up. All prospective applicants should contact cpd@rvc.ac.uk in the first instance.
In order to access the Hospital all delegates will need to provide a CV and two references.
This course is based on a distributed practice model, where learners do small chunks of training once a day for approximately 30 days, over a total period of 60 days. This low dose high, frequency training is the best way to acquire and retain long-term laparoscopic surgical skills.
The course is divided into 4 blocks. Each block contains a new set of skills, which builds on the learning achieved from the previous set of skills.
Each block includes:
1. A 30- to 60-minute introductory session with the Royal Free course tutor.
The set of skills is reviewed and goals set for each skill.
This session must be arranged directly with the course tutor.
2. A minimum of 4 to 5 one-hour, self-directed, training sessions.
The set of skills is practiced by the delegate to achieve the goals set.
These sessions do not have to pre-booked. After the introductory session 24-hour, 7-days a week access to the centre is granted. It is unusual for a delegate to wait more than 1 hour for a free simulator. No more than 2 sessions should be completed in one day. Each session should last a maximum of 1 hour. There should be at least 1 hour between training sessions performed on the same day. Number of training sessions is dependent on the speed of skill acquisition and varies between delegates.
3. A 30- to 60-minute one-on-one formative assessment with the Royal Free course tutor.
The course tutor will review the goals set, but also components of technique that cannot be measured by the computer, such as crossing over of hands and instruments. After this assessment the delegate will either be introduced to the next set of skills or be asked to complete a further 4 to 5 training sessions on the same skill set. This session must be arranged directly with the course tutor.
Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine
The Royal Veterinary College
Carolina Palacios Jimenez, DVM CertVA PGCertVetEd PhD DipECVAA MRCVS
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
The Royal Veterinary College
Head of Soft Tissue Surgery
Hamilton Specialist Referrals
Matteo Rossanese, DVM SPSA MSc DipECVS CertAVP PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College
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